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  • Kyle Meinert, Risk Advisor at HNI


What do your employees do when they have to make a choice between a) the safe solution and b) the quick solution?  Thinking about how your employees will respond in the field should be the foundation of any safety program design. 

We can pour dollars and time into developing the best possible policies and procedures.  We can buy top-of-the-line equipment and train until we are blue in the face. The effectiveness, however, is ultimately up to the end user’s decision to apply the right equipment and training when they’re in the heat of the moment.

Behavior-based safety programs look at where the “rubber meets the road” to improve employee adoption of your program recommendations. This webinar recording covers behavior-based safety basics, focusing on how to motivate change through a basic understanding of human behavior and in-the-field observation.


  • Benefits of a behavior-based safety program
  • Creating a safety culture vs. a safety climate
  • Conducting effective behavioral observations
  • Comparing tactics and results of different approaches to safety

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