The painless path to compliance by the Feb. 1st deadline.
Most businesses will need to post their OSHA Form 300A from Feb. 1 through April 30. This document communicates with your people your OSHA recordable incidents for the previous year — that's work-related injuries and illnesses. Failure to meet this requirement could result in big fines for your organization. Also, unprecedented upcoming OSHA regulations may require you to submit your company's OSHA 300 log information directly to OSHA- how might this impact you?
With OSHA's final ruling on requiring employers submit injury and illness data electronically, significant changes will need to be implemented by the effective date of December 1, 2016 to ensure compliance in this changing area.
This webinar will touch on when you must submit your electronic records to OSHA, the implications of OSHA posting your injury records, and how the new ruling impacts your reporting procedures and employee accountability.
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