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Dominique Beaudin

Recent Posts by Dominique Beaudin:

Building a Culture of Wellness

Most people would rather be unhealthy than do something they feel others disapprove of or might be embarrassing.

Think about it. 

We know that making a loop (or two) around the office a few times a day can improve health. As can doing lunges while waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave. Or jumping up and down at your desk a few times a day. 

So why don’t people do it?

Stop Playing Hide and Seek With Your Data Security

My parents were a bit crazy; they had three children in three years. With all of us so close in age the fighting was nonstop. And whenever there was a mess or something was broken, a chorus of "I didn't do it" followed. Then we'd all be punished. So what do my childhood antics have to do with data security? Everything

Topics: Leadership / Strategy

The Case of Selective Technophobia

Director of Technology at HNI 

We’ve all heard it.  Maybe we’ve even said it ourselves.

Topics: Leadership / Strategy

3 Steps to Actually Doing Something with Your Data

Director of Technology at HNI

So you’ve got systems capturing data on your business. Maybe you’re monitoring number and speed of widgets produced, tracking hits to your website, or measuring idle time in your trucks.  The information is at your fingertips – so now what?

What Monkeys Can Teach You About Types of Innovation

Director of IT at HNI

You can find inspiration for your business just about anywhere you look — even in the trunk of a car, and especially if that trunk contains a chimpanzee.

No, really.

I'm talking about "Trunk Monkeys," a fictional auto option offered by a car dealership in Oregon.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

6 Ways to Weed Stress Out of Your Culture

Director of Technology at HNI

Topics: Leadership / Strategy HR / Employee Benefits

Setting Boundaries at Work With Technology

Director of Technology at HNI

The days when our work fit neatly into a 9 to 5 timeframe are long gone.  It’s hard to even imagine there was time when smartphones didn’t exist. 

In some ways, this is incredibly empowering.  But on the flip side, many organizations are struggling to define reasonable and fair boundaries for their teams.