A few of our transportation clients in Wisconsin have reported an issue renewing their plates that we thought others would like to know about. The FMCSA requires all motor carriers to update their Motor Carrier Identification Report (MCS-150) every 24 months – but as a participant in PRISM, Wisconsin and many other states now require this to be updated when renewing your IRP plates (every year).
Transportation companies who have controlled their driver turnover (one of the biggest wicked problems in the industry) recognize that closing the back door is as important as opening the front door. If you are going to be successful in retaining drivers, then you need to understand the reasons drivers are leaving their jobs, both at your company and at your competitors’ companies.
HNI works with high-performing companies to help them address the hidden risks in their business and avoid The Insurance Dependency Trap. This is done by proactively DE-RISKING their business so they can be less dependent on insurance.
HNI also offers the basic services of insurance and employee benefits. HNI has offices in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis.