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Lisa Aspinwall

Recent Posts by Lisa Aspinwall:

Why Providing Employee Benefits Makes a Difference to Your Drivers

Account Executive

In our experience, some trucking employers don't feel like their drivers care about benefits. To many transportation executives, providing employee benefits to truck drivers feels like an exercise in futility. They see low participation rates in health plans, retirement offerings, and other programs and ask, "Why bother?"

Topics: Transportation HR / Employee Benefits

Benefits for Truck Drivers: The Secret Weapon for Retention

Driving trucks is more than a job. It's a lifestyle. And it's a lifestyle that's not for everyone. Drivers frequently work in the middle of the night. They live for weeks at a time on the road in cramped confines. They maneuver massive trucks in major metropolitan areas and through traffic that most people go out of their way to avoid. It's easy to see why turnover is high for truck drivers.
Topics: Transportation HR / Employee Benefits