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Sheri Weaver

HNI Manager, Learning & Talent

Recent Posts by Sheri Weaver:

5 Tips for Safe Online Holiday Shopping

More and more, brick and mortar stores are taking a backseat to their online counterparts.  And all of that online shopping represents a whole lot of opportunity for identity theft and other types of cyber crime.

And if the 5th largest retailer in the world can be hacked (remember Target's breach from 2013?), how vulnerable am I when I shop using my home computer? 

Before you fire up the laptop for that last-minute shopping, be sure to remember these simple tips for keeping your data—and your wallet—secure. 

Are Security Threats Lurking in Your Company Email?

The headlines are filled with stories touting shocking cyber breaches where business or personal information is compromised. Let's be clear: this is one situation where not all publicity is good publicity. No business wants to expose itself, its employees or its customers to any kind of cyber breach. 

95% of cyber breaches are caused by one of three things: hackers, rogue employees, or loss or theft of equipment. These are not just a threat for large corporations; small- to mid-sized businesses face an equal—if not greater—risk, and have fewer resources to effectively clean up and recover after a breach occurs.

4 Common Mistakes When Training Employees [And 4 Best Practices]

Part of being a hiring manager or supervisor is training employees. Too often, though, training employees fall short of expectations. Trainers are disappointed because their trainee "just doesn't get it." Trainees are disappointed because their trainers went too fast, assumed too much about previous knowledge, or didn't listen to their questions. 

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

5 Best Practices for Onboarding [Onboarding 101: The Series]

SHERI WEAVER, HNI Training & Quality Assurance Manager

So you've found the perfect job candidate and they've said "YES!" Way to go! But your work is far from over. We've covered why strong onboarding matters and how to blow it with a new hire. The final piece of the onboarding puzzle is, of course, tips for success.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

How to Lose a New Employee in 5 Days [Onboarding 101: The Series]

HNI Training and Quality Assurance Manager

Weak employee onboarding could spell disaster for a new recruit — and for the long-term health of your business. Here's a five-day plan for a terrible first week of work for a new employee. Let's hope these steps aren't part of your onboarding process!

Topics: Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Why Strong Employee Onboarding Matters [Onboarding 101: The Series]

HNI Training and Quality Assurance Manager

Employee onboarding is the getting-to-know-you period for a new worker and his or her employer. And it's as much about the employee getting to know the
employer as it is about the employee learning how to do a job!

Topics: Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits