
Survey for Motor Carriers on the Safety Measurement System

Written by Andrea Tarrell | Thu, Sep 13,2012 @ 03:34 PM

The FMCSA’s Safety Measurement System is intended to help allocate enforcement
resources appropriately to motor carriers showing the greatest safety concerns.  As better technology, new data, and additional analysis become available, the FMCSA plans to update the SMS periodically, usually offering a “preview period” where motor
carriers will be allowed to view enhancements in advance and voice any concerns or suggestions to improve.

The most recent round of changes to the Safety Measurement System were proposed on March 27, 2012 and offered during a preview period over the summer.  The changes are scheduled to go into effect in December 2012. 

Voice your opinion on the Safety Measurement System Methodology

One of our trucking clients is gathering information on what percentage of motor carriers support the current SMS methodology.  They are looking to get a clearer picture on whether companies have experienced inconsistencies in the methodology that have produced inconsistent "rankings" and to get an estimate of how many company would be in support of changes to the method of comparing "like" motor carriers.

The deadline for responses to this survey is September 28th When it is completed and we have a chance to look at the data, we will share via our blog.  This survey could also lay a foundation for group action petitioning the FMCSA for changes to the SMS calculations and processes. 

Click here to access the survey and voice your opinion about the SMS!