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Pay or Play: It's More Than Just A Financial Decision

With recent election results, it's more critical than ever to formally assess the opportunities and dangers of healthcare reform's "pay or play" provisions.  If you're unfamiliar, every employer with over 50 FTEs must offer affordable health care coverage (play) or face penalties for not doing so (pay).  

For some companies, it absolutely makes sense to drop coverage.  In others, this would be a huge mistake.  While every company is unique, it’s vital to recognize that this is more than just a financial decision.

The exchanges are slated to be functional by 2014, and the clock is ticking to make a decision on pay or play.

It's time for companies to set the wheels in motion for whichever strategy makes the most sense for them.  Back in 2010, we started sharing information about health care reform on our blog, the Health Care Reform Roadmap.  Sticking with that theme, check out our infographic on how we think employers should go about planning their future health care strategy:


Pay or Play Roadmap to Change HCR resized 600


Do you PAY or do you PLAY?
Click here to learn about our assessment.


Topics: HR / Employee Benefits