
HR COMPLIANCE ALERT: New I-9 Form Required Starting May 7

Written by Barb Rand | Mon, Apr 29,2013 @ 05:23 PM

HNI Compliance Advisor

Starting May 7, all employers will be required to use a revised Form I-9, the employment eligibility verification document completed for every new hire. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the change to the I-9 employment eligibility form in early March.

The new form now is two pages (up from one page), not including instructions and the list of acceptable documents. [The complete document, including instructions and list of acceptable documents, is nine pages.]

The I-9 Employment Eligibility Form Makeover

Key changes to the I-9 employment eligibility form include:

  • Adding data fields for the employee's passport information (if applicable) and phone and email address
  • Updated instructions on how to complete the form

Learn More on the New I-9 Form

While most of the changes to the form are pretty straightforward, USCIS is offering free webinars for employers including step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section.

The final webinar will be held:

  • Tuesday, April 30, at 1 p.m. CDT

Click here for the USCIS site to register for the webinar.

Click here to download the new Form I-9.

Older I-9 forms dated 02/02/09 and 08/07/09 will be accepted until May 7. The document date can be found in the lower left corner of the form. There still is no filing fee for Form I-9.

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