A note from our CEO: How we’re operating under COVID-19.
These are difficult and unusual times. As Risk Advisors, this is when our commitment to helping our clients DE-RISK gets put to the test.
We are as committed as ever to your success, and are working extra diligently to help you prepare and answer questions about things like health care, insurance, and risk.
To do this, we will be making a few changes that will help us check in with our clients more consistently (while keeping you and our team members safe). Here are some of the things we are doing:
Thank you for your understanding as we take these precautionary steps. If you have any concerns, please reach out to your HNI contact or Alex Trunnell at atrunnell@hni.com.
P.S. we have several upcoming webinars on the insurance/health care impact of COVID-19, as well as an update from UnitedHealthCare’s Chief Medical Officer. Hopefully these will help answer some of your questions.