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Your CSA scores are good, so there is nothing to worry about, right? Think again.

The “Driver Coercion” rule has changed the focus for the FMCSA - it has caused them to move complaints from the bottom of their list to the top. While following up on these complaints they may not be finding the coercion claimed, but after going through the process they are finding issues that are causing conditional ratings and fines. It is essential that you do not let your guard down and remain focused on having the processes and procedures in place to ensure you are compliant. 

Topics: Transportation

Ask the Advisor: OSHA Law, WC Law, and Drug & Alcohol Policies

Recent changes to Wisconsin Worker's Compensation laws have garnered much confusion surrounding an employer's Drug & Alcohol Policy. And with the upcoming OSHA law going into effect on August 11, 2016, drug and alcohol testing following a work injury is going to get a lot trickier. Here are three questions commonly asked when discussing compliance in these areas. 


Topics: Safety / Compliance

Tesla: Trucking's Newest Wicked Problem

The transportation industry is no stranger to wicked problems.  And yesterday Tesla CEO Elon Musk added one more.  Musk announced the second part of his Tesla Master Plan (Master Plan, part deux), where he described Tesla’s ambitious new endeavors - including a plan to build autonomous (self-driving) semi trucks. 

Topics: Leadership / Strategy

Top 10 Things About Captive Insurance Companies

Small to mid-sized companies between 50-500 employees have historically found themselves in a difficult situation.  Should they fully insure or self-insure their health plan? If the decision is to fully insure, employers encounter annually increasing premiums. This is due to medical trend, health care reform fees such as the Federal Insurer Fee, and fixed costs which include state premium taxes and built-in profit margin. 

Conversely, if the decision is to move to a self-insured plan, many firms worry about the increased financial risk. Employers with a low specific stop loss deductible will pay high premiums for those lower thresholds.  However, if the deductibles are increased, the potential claims risk also rises. Enter the group health captive.

Topics: Leadership / Strategy

What Pokémon GO Can Teach Your Business About Safety

The ability to toggle between the real world and the virtual world is an enticing part of the latest and greatest app, Pokémon GO. Augmented reality is growing in popularity in the world of tech, but it also poses numerous risks to users. Safety has been a major topic of conversation surrounding this new app - cautioning users to be alert when using the app and to also use common sense when in strange areas while on the hunt to catch em' all. But what can Pokémon GO teach your business about safety? More than you may think.

Topics: Safety / Compliance

Brace Yourself: Increasing DOL Fines Are Coming

The Department of Labor (DOL) has launched a rather aggressive program to test if companies are complying with the Form 5500 and associated audit report requirements in a timely way. For non-compliant companies a fine of up to $2,063 per day is a reality they soon may face. 

Benefits: To Bundle or Not To Bundle, That is the Question

Traditional health insurance is costly. Each year, you wage war against the annual cost increases that eat away at your business’s bottom line.  And yet, despite your most valiant efforts, the system always wins.

But there is a way to fight back.  Many small and midsize companies have figured out what the big guys have known for decades - you can beat the system. 

Choosing a Technology Partner in Transportation

To be an early adopter, or to go with the established player? When it comes to choosing a technology partner, this question looms large for many transportation companies. Should we invest in big box technology that has dominated the marketplace for years or should we take a chance on an up-and-comer whose platform is mobile and poised for future enhancements?  

Topics: Transportation Leadership / Strategy

REMINDER: ACA Electronic Filing Deadline is June 30, 2016

With the deadline to electronically file ACA information returns with the IRS fast approaching, employers are reminded that failure to comply with the law's information reporting requirements may result in significant penalties. 

HNI Named One of the Healthiest Employers in America

Here at HNI, we think healthy employees make happy employees and we are never afraid to share it. But - we don't just preach the good word, we consistently strive to better the health of our employees through wellness challenges, implementation of ergonomically sound work stations, and also an onsite fitness center free to all employees. All of this hard work has sent a little applause our way. You know what they say, an apple a day brings an award your way, right?