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Approval of New SBC Forms: What Employers Need to Know


The Department of Labor (DOL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have issued the final revised template and related materials for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Use of the new materials will be required starting on the first day of the first open enrollment period that begins on or after April 1, 2017 with respect to coverage for plan years beginning on or after that date. Here is a summary of the SBC along with what employers need to know to remain compliant. 

After the Dust Settles: OSHA's Final Rule on Crystalline Silica

Workplace illnesses tragically take the lives of thousands of workers each year. OSHA recently took steps to fight back against the many diseases impacting America's workforce with its final ruling on crystalline silica. This ruling targets the deadly exposure of crystalline silica and estimates saving over 600 lives and preventing more than 900 new cases of silicosis each year. Since the final ruling, many legal challenges have come forth. 

Topics: Construction

Anthem and Aurora Join Forces in Wisconsin

affordable-health-insurance2-resized-600.jpgIn with the old, out with the new. During the 1980s and 1990s many health care systems around the country decided to test their luck in the health insurance business. Most of these organizations did not fully understand the risks and challenges of being in the insurance industry. In the end, most of these health care systems ended up selling their plans to insurance companies or simply shutting them down. As of April 20th, 2016, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Aurora Health Care embark on a new joint venture health insurance company. This tried approach is making a comeback with a modern, employer friendly twist. 

FMCSA's New Medical Exam Form Requirements Now in Effect

Effective April 20, 2016, all Certified Medical Examiners will be required to use new medical certification forms for commercial motor vehicle drivers. If your drivers are preparing to take a DOT physical, here are a few tips to ensure compliance in this area. 

Topics: Transportation

In Wisconsin, Termination Leads to Terminated Worker's Comp Benefits

hunger-413685_640.jpgIn Wisconsin, "Terminated for Cause", can now terminate temporary benefits too. Act 180 has amended the Worker's Compensation law to allow employers and insurance carriers to deny indemnity benefits when a termination occurs for misconduct or substantial fault while in the healing period of a Worker's Comp injury.

International Roadcheck 2016 is Coming…Are Your Tires Ready?

2016 marks the 29th year that over 10,000 certified CVSA inspectors will participate in the annual 72-hour enforcement event in every jurisdiction across North America. On average, 17 commercial motor vehicles are inspected every second during this three-day event. This year the focus will be on tires in addition to the normal issues noted during roadside inspections.

Topics: Transportation

FDA Releases Final Rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food has been finalized. This ruling differs from the agency’s initial proposal in several key ways, but maintains its goal of preventing practices that create food safety risk. Compliance within one year will prove difficult for the transportation sector, but certain actions can be taken to prepare for this significant industry change.

Topics: Transportation Safety / Compliance

Bulk Up Your Employer-Sponsored 401(k) to Ensure Financially Fit Employees

Happy National Employee Benefits Day! Since this holiday covers a wide topic range, every year IFEBP presents a theme. This year’s theme? Financial fitness.

Wisconsin Employers: New Laws Call for Updated Drug & Alcohol Policies

Act 180 went into effect early March 2016 and brought forth many employer friendly changes to Wisconsin. One of the major changes speaks to terminating certain worker's compensation benefits when an employee violates their employer's drug and alcohol policy. But this change isn't as clear-cut as it may seem.

Don't Fall Victim to Social Engineering

Over the past 20 years, hackers have become an all too common topic in our daily news. It seems as if each time we check our favorite news app, turn on the TV, or listen to the radio on our morning or evening commute the shadow of compromise weighs heavy on our privacy. Corporate data is continually being hacked, yet you never hear about companies being tricked or misled into sending money based on fraudulent information.

Topics: Leadership / Strategy