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Springtime in the Midwest Means Soft Shoulders and Large Fines

With the return of spring we enter the period where road restrictions start making their annual appearance. Over the last few years, we have started seeing a trend in increased prohibitive signage popping up in various communities, counties, and townships. If not followed, these signs could cost you big time.

4 Ways to Prevent Cargo Theft

Companies can take a number of actions to improve their chances of preventing cargo theft. Using high-tech devices to locate stolen vehicles or simple, low-tech padlocks on trailer doors can deter theft.  Here are four ideas to help your company deal with this growing problem.

Topics: Transportation

Data Intelligence: Forging a Path for the Future


Remaining competitive in the midst of the rise of big data and data analytics is not easy. In today’s world of pervasive technology, companies are being forced to change how they operate so they can keep up. With multiple systems gathering information, it can seem like you have numbers and statistics everywhere you look. Think about how to use that explosion of information as a source of insight and to your benefit. For transportation companies there are three main areas which data intelligence can be of significant importance: fleet management, recruiting and retention, and fraud prevention and detection. Let's explore these areas further.


Topics: Transportation Leadership / Strategy

It Now Pays in Wisconsin to Dress and Undress While on the Job

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 that Hormel workers must be paid for the six minutes a day they spend putting on and taking off special gear and clothing required for their jobs. The decision affirmed a 2013 circuit court ruling that Hormel Corp. owed $195,000 to about 330 current and former employees at its Beloit plant, where it makes products like Hormel Chili and Mary Kitchen Hash.  


Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Law Braces for Winds of Change

Assembly Bill 724 was signed by Governor Walker of Wisconsin on February 29, 2016. This bill passed several amendments to the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Act and has an effective date of March 2, 2016.

To provide clarity on each of the relevant changes and how they may impact you, below is a plain language explanation.

Driverless Trucks Part 2: Who's Rewarded?

Innovation and technology invite many positive changes and benefits into any industry - and transportation is no exception. "Driverless" trucks are creating quite a stir when it comes to safety, liability, and efficiency, but the conversation doesn't stop there. Industry professionals want to know what benefits will be brought to the table in each of these categories. So, I'll share a few of my insights.

Topics: Transportation Leadership / Strategy

Driverless Trucks Part 1: Who's at Risk?

The future is upon us with the adoption of "driverless trucks" into the world of transportation.  As with any innovation, there are always pluses and minuses, but first, we must assess what risks will soon flood our technology driven industry. Let's discuss what this major change means for you.


Topics: Transportation Leadership / Strategy

Are You Protecting Your Temp Workers?


Temporary or permanent, all workers have a right to a safe and healthy work place. Each year fatal accidents occur due to a number of avoidable instances caused by their work environment. Looking a little deeper into these unfortunate losses, one key demographic always pops up. The temporary worker.


Topics: Safety / Compliance

Stop Playing Hide and Seek With Your Data Security

My parents were a bit crazy; they had three children in three years. With all of us so close in age the fighting was nonstop. And whenever there was a mess or something was broken, a chorus of "I didn't do it" followed. Then we'd all be punished. So what do my childhood antics have to do with data security? Everything

Topics: Leadership / Strategy

Get Ready for New Food Safety Act Regulations

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law on January 4, 2011 to better protect the safety and security of America's food supply. Not all of the Act's provisions took effect immediately. The proposed rule for the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food (STHAF) is expected to be finalized in March, 2016. 

Topics: Transportation