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DOL New Salary Threshold Delayed

The new Department of Labor (DOL) overtime regulations - which greatly altered the overtime exemptions - were set to take effect on December 1, 2016, but as of November 22, 2016, that is no longer the case. A federal judge in Texas issued a nation-wide preliminary injunction to stop the new overtime regulations from taking effect on their originally scheduled date.  However, the judge did hold open the possibility that these new regulations could be implemented at a later date.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

OSHA's Reporting Rule Effective Date Delayed... Again

The rule was originally scheduled to take effect on August 10, but OSHA extended the enforcement deadline to November 1 due to the fact that employer groups filed a lawsuit in July seeking to block the rule.

In mid-October the judge in this case asked the employer groups and the government to agree to delay the effective date for one more month so that the parties would have time to fully brief the issues. OSHA has now delayed for a second time the enforcement date of this reporting rule to December 1. 

Topics: Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Can Employers Reimburse Employees for Health Insurance?

For years, small businesses who did not offer health insurance would often reimburse employees for individual plan premiums, which were often known as non-taxable benefits. Any small business under 50 employees may no longer reimburse employees for medical costs or individual insurance plan premiums. For those who continue to do so, a hefty fine awaits you.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

"Small Group" Re-Defined Under the Affordable Care Act

Compliance Advisor/Benefits Attorney at HNI

Last week, on October 7, 2015, President Obama signed legislation called the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act that amends the Affordable Care Act (ACA) definition of a “small employer” for the purpose of purchasing health insurance coverage.

Topics: Safety / Compliance HR / Employee Benefits

EPLI Policy Limits: What Level of Risk Should You Take On?

Director of People at HNI 

We recommend employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) for most companies, even those with rock solid HR policies and procedures.  Why?  Because unfortunately, claims brought against your company don’t have to be true to be costly.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

How to Up Your Game in Benefits Communication at Open Enrollment This Year

Communications Specialist at HNI

It's that special time of the year when HR employees everywhere are beginning to feel that sense of dread that looms around Open Enrollment.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

New guidance from the DOL on Classifying Employees & Independent Contractors

Relationship Manager at HNI

Many of the businesses we work with are faced with the decision of whether to classify workers as employees or independent contractors. 

This topic has grown in interest over the past several years due to increases in hiring activity and increases in enforcement.  In a recent memo, the U.S. Department of Labor provided some helpful insight to how the law should be applied.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

R - E - S - P - E - C -T! Bridging the Generational Gap

President of HNI Wisconsin

We all want it from those we work with, but each generation defines respect differently. 

Most people in the workplace operate with the thought process of giving respect as they want to receive it.  Sort of the “do onto others as you would have done onto you” approach.

Well, that’s your first mistake. One generation expects respect based on their title and position and another generation wants to have respect shown to them based on their ideas and performance. 

Do you see the conflicting views? Many managers may not see it but they FEEL it daily.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Why High Turnover Means High Employment Practices Risk

HNI Director of People

Seeing high turnover in your organization?  While you are likely well aware of the costs involved with recruiting and onboarding a new employee, high turnover may also be exposing you employment practices liability that you may not have coverage for.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

Smoke & Mirrors: How E-Cigs Impact Employee Wellness Programs

Communications Specialist at HNI

With the emergence of e-cigarettes on the market, people have flocked to the smokeless cigarettes with the intention being a "lesser of two evils" alternative for either themselves or loved ones.

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits