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Where Do You Fall on the Risk Assumption Continuum?

HNI Vice President

Successfully managing risk assumption and controlling costs are important objectives for all companies. However, the manner in which a company goes about achieving these objectives varies depending on size, predictability of losses, risk management abilities, and financial strength.

Topics: Construction Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing

Motivate Employees with 5 Rewards You Probably Haven't Thought Of

HNI Human Resources Manager

Employees who feel valued will work harder for your business. It's time to recognize those people who bring their "A" game with a reward that feels personal and sincere.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

4 Social Media Tips for Claims Handling You Can't Ignore

HNI Claims Assistant

The business world still is adjusting to social media and the many ways it's changed the way we do business.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

The Generation Gap’s Getting Even Wider — Get Ready for the 'Posts'

HNI HR Manager

This battle of generations in the workplace will forever be an issue that employers need to tackle — and 
Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

What's at Risk When You Don't Make a Business Succession Plan?

HNI Director of Insurance Services

If your business made it out of the Great Recession, congratulations. No doubt you had to 
Topics: Construction Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing

Top 3 Lessons from Social Media and Claims Webinar

HNI Claims Assistant 

In today's world of smartphones and Internet technology, for most people there's not a day that goes by without liking a friend's vacation pictures on Facebook, sharing an article with your professional network on LinkedIn, or retweeting a wisecrack from your favorite actor on Twitter. Social media is everywhere, and it's becoming an especially powerful tool in litigation.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

Better Than a Bonus: Employee Recognition Program Ideas

HNI Human Resources Manager

All employees, from the C-suite to the shop floor, want to feel valued. This is an important rule for business owners to remember. That's because employees work harder when they feel happy, valued, and appreciated, and employees who work harder are good news for business owners.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

6 Tips for Building Great Summer Internship Programs

HNI Human Resources Manager

It’s that time of the year — intern season!  Summer is a busy time for many of our businesses, and fortunately, a supply of eager labor becomes available annually right about now.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Does Work Comp Cover Parking Lot Falls?

In the past few months, I've been asked more than once to explain whether an employee who experiences an injury, while coming to or leaving work, can file a workers compensation claim. Caring employers obviously never want their employees to have an injury at any time. However these same caring employers need to know the answer to this "commuting" question to protect themselves from unnecessary work comp expenses. How do you know when work comp covers parking lot falls?

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing

Compliance Alert for Employers: New Look for 2 COBRA Notices

Compliance Advisor

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently put together some FAQs related to the Affordable Care Act, along with offering new model COBRA notices. The Feds changed the COBRA general notice, which is provided when someone is initially covered, and the COBRA election notice, which is given to participants who experience a COBRA-qualifying event.

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing