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"Small Group" Re-Defined Under the Affordable Care Act

Compliance Advisor/Benefits Attorney at HNI

Last week, on October 7, 2015, President Obama signed legislation called the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act that amends the Affordable Care Act (ACA) definition of a “small employer” for the purpose of purchasing health insurance coverage.

Topics: Safety / Compliance HR / Employee Benefits

Start with the Employee Experience for Better Workers Compensation Claims Management

Senior Claims Consultant at HNI 

Let’s face it, work injuries are going to happen. Medical costs are going to continue to increase. Lawyers are going to continue to knock insurance companies in order to snatch up clients.

So how are you going to mitigate your losses? The time has come for employers to shake their cynicism about work injuries and injured workers.

Yes, there will always be those who want to “work the system.”  But the fact is, the majority of workers compensation claims are legitimate.

Topics: Safety / Compliance

5 Questions on the New Confined Space Safety Regulations in Construction

Risk Advisor at HNI 

Confined spaces have long been recognized as a large exposure in many industries. Most of this exposure, however, is controlled with proper planning.

Topics: Construction Safety / Compliance

Would your driver qualification files stand up to an FMCSA audit?

Within the last couple of years, there have been some changes with regards to what needs to be included in your driver qualification files.  Many people struggle with determining what truly needs to be in the files and what does not.  They also get different opinions from different individuals (HR professionals, insurance reps, auditors, etc.)

Topics: Transportation Safety / Compliance

7 Tips to Building a Strong Organizational Culture in the Transportation Industry

CHRIS TANKE, Relationship Manager
& BRIAN KAMINSKI, Account Executive at HNI

Strong organizational culture is an asset to be leveraged for the long haul.

Topics: Safety / Compliance

Summer Heat Safety: Declare WARS on Heat Illness!

Risk Advisory AT HNI

OSHA has published its main initiatives this year for preventing injuries at the workplace. In this list is a timely topic: heat safety.

According to the CDC around 700 individuals succumb to all that is Mother Nature during these hot summer months. The common thing in all of these cases?  They are 100 percent controllable.

It is our responsibility to educate our workers to make sure that they do not fall into one of these statistics!

Topics: Safety / Compliance

Employer Guide: How to Set Up Chiropractic Care for Work Injuries

HNI Senior Claims Specialist

Imagine this scenario: You have an employee who's been injured on the job. Chiropractic care is a treatment option. You can't choose the chiropractor for them, but you hope that your employee finds a chiropractor who's committed to improving your worker's wellness and will help your worker move on if treatment isn't progressing.

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing

Trucking Safety Program Ideas:
Let Your Calendar & Data Do the Design

Business Analytics Advisor at HNI

Data can be a gamechanger in the trucking industry.  Our systems gather all kinds of information – speed, idle time, fuel efficiency, claims and losses, citations, and more. 

Topics: Transportation Safety / Compliance

3 Things Your People Need to Know About Safety

Relationship Manager at HNI

You’ve probably been hearing the phrase “start with why” a lot lately in the business world. It comes from a book and TED talk of the same name by Simon Sinek. The idea is that your organization can’t reach its full potential unless everyone understands the reasons behind what you do — and buys into them.

Topics: Safety / Compliance Leadership / Strategy

Driving Complacency: Why Seasoned Drivers Can Pose A Serious Risk

It is often said that it is more difficult to maintain top performance than to climb the mountain to achieve that top performance in the first place.

Topics: Transportation Safety / Compliance