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PART 2 WEBINAR: June 25, 2024 | 9:00 am CST     
Mental Health Is More
Than a Month

Most employers have begun to address mental health concerns, but the question remains: Are results being achieved?







What is this event?

Post COVID most employers have seen mental/behavior health claims utilization and costs increase exponentially. Most employers have addressed these concerns with some programs but the question remains: Are results being achieved? 

Presented by Acrisure, this 2-part educational series will unpack: 

  • the current state of mental health/behavioral health/brain health programs,
  • what most employers are doing and 
  • what the most successful employers are doing to engage their workforce and provide substantial and tangible support that employees want and need 
 Who is this event for?
This program is for C-Suite individuals: CEO/President, CFO, CHRO, COO, HR and Benefits professionals.



Mental Health: More Effective Strategies for engagement and results.
Tuesday June 25th, 2024 @ 9am CST
  • Achieving a “safe to come forward and ask for help” culture       
  • Importance of Educate, Equip & Empower
  • How top performing employers are driving engagement and success
  • Formulas for building an effective strategy inclusive of oversight and management.
  • How you can apply these principles to your workforce needs regardless of industry, size, or budget
Join us for part 2 of this educational series!

NOTICE: The information discussed during this webinar, including the presenters’ statements and opinions expressed, should not be viewed as a substitute for any legal or other professional advice on any particular issue, for any particular reason, or on any particular subject matter. The advice of a professional should always be obtained before purchasing any insurance product or service, and the information provided on this website should not be relied upon for the prevention or mitigation of risks or as a full and complete explanation of coverage under any insurance policy or as a full and complete explanation of terms and conditions of any services offered. While the information discussed during this webinar has been compiled from sources reasonably believed to be reliable, no warranty, guarantee, or representation, either expressed or implied, is made as to the correctness or sufficiency of any representation made during this webinar.  The presenters’ statements and opinions regarding the subject matter expressed represent the opinions, positions or beliefs of the presenters themselves and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, positions or beliefs of Acrisure, LLC or its affiliates.

© 2024 Acrisure, LLC. All rights reserved.




Jeffrey Sepesi


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Jeff Schultz sq

 Jeff Sepesi

CSO and Founding Member of Truusight

Jeff Sepesi is a founding member of Truusight and currently serves as Chief Sales Officer focused on sales strategies and implementation at both a national level as well as focused distribution channels to include labor unions, large self-funded employers, TPAs, benefit consultants, brokers and insurance carriers. 

His diverse industry expertise and ability to deliver successful outcomes that enhance employee satisfaction and financial security while driving further savings to the company’s bottom line has helped decision-makers navigate the myriad of voluntary benefit options & strategies.


Jason Collett

HR Strategist & Professional Speaker

Jason T. Collett is a dynamic HR strategist and mental health advocate with over 30 years of experience in architecting positive workplace cultures. An expert in behavioral assessments and organizational behavior, Jason excels in building psychological capital and fostering positive work environments. He brings a unique blend of entrepreneurial spirit and Fortune 100 executive experience, delivering captivating stories and actionable insights. As the author of "Pivotal Moments: Harnessing the Power of an Instant for Success in Life, Career, and Business," Jason empowers individuals and organizations to thrive.


Jeff Schultz

Benefits Practice Leader, Acrisure Midwest

Jeff has over 35 years of experience as an advisor to some of Wisconsin’s leading and most progressive employers. As the leader of our benefits practice, Jeff’s role is to guide our clients’ strategies and ensure they aren’t missing out on any opportunities to drive their health care strategy forward.

Register for the events:
Session 1 (June 11):
Mental Health: Are our efforts getting results? 
Session 2 (June 25):
Mental Health: More Effective Strategies for engagement and results.