Marketing Director
Your company has already enacted some of the provisions in health care reform. You may be planning for the process of implementing others. But everything we know today about the Affordable Care Act could soon change.
There is massive uncertainty surrounding the decision the Supreme Court is expected to hand down some time later this month. And to make things even more ambiguous, no matter what the court decides, the fate of health care reform is likely to be further molded by the outcome of the 2012 elections.
There is only one thing that is certain as it pertains to health care reform: it presents one of the most complex benefits communication challenges in history, and much of the work to be done still lies ahead.
Benefits professionals will be expected to lead the charge in communicating what needs to change to finance, payroll, and the entire employee population as changes are implemented phase by phase. Encourage your company to focus on what’s being implemented next and not what’s way down the road, because the elements scheduled to be enacted later on are the most likely to change.
When it comes to the Supreme Court challenge to health care reform, you also need to be ready to lead the charge in dispelling rumors and separating fact from fiction when the ruling comes down.
Want to get ahead of the curve on this benefits communication challenge? We have two resources to offer: a) subscribe to our health care reform blog to stay up-to-date on developments in the law b) check out the recording of our recent workshop on benefits communication for some best practices in getting your messages to stick with your employees.

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